Monday, March 21, 2016

Discovery Cove

Since Justin is in Ireland and this isn't his thing, we took the opportunity to take the girls to Discovery Cove.  What a fun day!  Surprisingly, the dolphin encounter wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.  We even all kissed her! 

My cough was still lingering, and I am a total chicken, so I skipped the snorkel and mask, but enjoyed the Grand Reef from the shallow water.  Even the big stingray came up close!  The girls loved the snorkels and used them in the (nice and warm!) Wind-Away River with Steve.  After one trip around, I opted for a life jacket so I could just float. 

The aviary was so cool with lots of different species of birds and plenty of food to offer them.  We saw the marmosets in the Freshwater Oasis, but the otters were in hiding.  It, too, was wonderfully warm! 

The food, the experiences, everything included....we loved it!

Orlando Sentinel - Hagerty High Band Marches in St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Dublin

Hagerty High band marches in St. Patrick's Day parade in Dublin (Orlando Sentinel - March 17, 2016

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Ireland Trip Pics

Marching in the St. Patrick's Day Parade

Blarney Castle

Ready to Perform!
Just a few of the awesome pictures we have received from Ireland.....Only a couple more days!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Letting Go

So,the band is on its way. I am so excited for them! I am confident that this is going to be a wonderful experience for Justin, but truth be told, I am having major FOMO (learned that one from my little sis=fear of missing out). Of course, the lingering cough is not helping, so I hope tomorrow feels better. I did decide during one of my frustration fits today that I am awarding myself at least 3 badges for this "letting go"....... Praying hard....join me?

Monday, March 14, 2016


I am so frustrated.  God has taken my voice.  Well, most of it, anyway.  My husband jokingly says that it's just more evidence that God is a man.  Ha.....Ha...

All kidding aside, what evidence of God have you seen?  Do you ever think that the interruptions in your life are orchestrated to put you in the right place at the right time?  Do you ever watch something in nature and think to yourself that someone MUST have created it?  Do you stand in awe of the circle of life barely able to comprehend it?  That's God.  That's evidence of His existence. 

Pay attention.  Your testimony is the data.  The data adds up.  You just have to be willing to collect it.

Romans 1:20 
For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

Luke 19:40

 “I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.”

Check out this awesome version of Ain't No Rock!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Spring Fever!

In Central Florida, Spring is whenever it feels like not being winter but isn't ready to be a hot and humid summer.  Winter has been fairly mild this year, so we have been having really nice weather for the last several weeks.  As with all of life's transitions, there are progressions and regressions, but for the most part, it has been continuously sunny and comfortable.  Temperatures are mostly in the 70's, dipping into the 50's and 60's at night and up into the 80's at the high point of the day.  I know....that's summer in the north....Here's another way to put it.....we're not sweating yet.....

So, wanting to be outside brings on the urge to landscape and garden.  This is going well except for the pollen.  You see, we all learned in school that Autumn is also called Fall for the falling leaves.  You cools off, leaves die and fall off, spring comes, they grow new ones...simple, right?  Not in Florida.  In Florida, the trees get confused.  Is it warming up or cooling down?  The result?  Cool Weather = Drop the Leaves.....Next Week, Warm Weather = Grow New Ones.....Repeat... 

The trees aren't the only ones confused.  The plants pollinate like crazy, and as a result, even people without allergies have allergies.....or maybe they have a cold or virus....After all, it's all the same season! 

With Spring, comes new life.  I personally am looking forward to starting a new count in the Spring- Babies born and lives saved.  I'm tired of the Winter.......Are you ready?!?

Eclessiastes 3
New International Version

1There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
2a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
3a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
4a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
5a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
6a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
7a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
8a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

Off to Ireland!

The Hagerty Marching Husky Band has been chosen to participate in the St Patrick Day parade in Dublin, Ireland. This is an extraordinary opportunity for our students to showcase their talents across the globe. It is exciting to have our exceptional high school, our small town of Oviedo,FL, and Seminole County Public School System represented on the European Circuit.
I like to say that when a person has a new experience, especially a difficult one, that he or she earns a "badge".  For instance, surviving the 1st day of kindergarten or the first sleepover will earn you a "badge".  It's a silly way to recognize and be positive about things that stretch us emotionally and/or physically. 

My brother-in-law earned a badge when he called the Citrus Bowl to find out if my sister would be able to bring her breast pump through security.  Another sister, who has little boys, is finding that she is earning daily badges.  One of her latest posts described a beautiful day picking strawberries that progressed to her picking goggles out of the toilet that her one year old had thrown in WHILE her three year old was peeing.  Gotta love the early years!

My brother and sister-in-law are working on their "before we have kids" badges, traveling and checking things like "take a hot air balloon ride" off of my brother's bucket list.  My little sister lives in a high-rise building on like the 40th floor, with like floor-to-ceiling windows in her bedroom.  I've never seen it and probably never will.  Definitely badge-worthy living, lol!

Next week will be a badge-earning experience for my family as we send Justin overseas with his band to play in the St. Patrick's Day parade in Dublin, Ireland.  As a Momma that likes to keep her kids close, the thought of a whole week separated by an ocean is at least a little bit terrifying.   God continues to be faithful as we find that the Sheriff's Office is sending 3 officers along as a pilot program with the school system and that a mom we know and trust is his chaperone.  He is able!
Four Leaf Clover Clip ArtIn the meantime, I will remember the prayer I used to say nightly with my kids, "Mommy loves you, Daddy loves you, and Jesus loves you, and we're all watching over you!"  When Mom and Dad aren't there, God always is! 

Click below to see the band featured on Fox 35 Orlando.