Friday, January 15, 2016

1st Plane Ride



In the morning (January 7), we woke up at 4 am to get ready for our flight at 7:30.  Excitement filled the air as well as the usual tensions that come with trying to get 5 people to the airport on time.  Justin had stayed up all night and didn't want to go.  Best I could figure, there were several reasons for this but that could be summarized as, "My life is going well;  why bring a bunch of sadness and interruption into it?"  Of course much of that is the perspective of a 16 year old, but I doubt that many of us could deny having thought that same thing when confronted with something we knew we should do but didn't really want to have to deal with.

Anyway, Hannah and Rachel were excited, and their reactions (especially Hannah's) made it worth the whole trip.  We were above the clouds the whole time until landing.  It was really fun to have something be so new and exciting.  From getting on the plane, to taxiing down the runway, to takeoff, in flight entertainment, snacks, and landing, every piece was a learning experience.  I'm so glad we could have that joy in this journey.

My sister, Allie, calls this "I Cloud".