Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pinky in the Air

The whole family came to watch Rachel's dance class today. On the way, Rachel lamented that she didn't think she could keep her pinky in the air the whole time on the cruise, that she would be too tired. Steve and I about fell over laughing, thinking, "Oh, no! She's been worried about this since Steve jokingly told her she would have to keep her pinky up at the 'fancy' dinners on our upcoming Disney Cruise." Fortunately, the situation was quickly corrected when Steve explained to her that he had been jokingly referring to the episode of SpongeBob FancyPants.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summer Vacation

I decided to check back in, and of course, realized that I haven't posted since last October (I think). What a great school year it has been! It is now Thursday night of the 1st week of summer vacation, and I am already exhausted! I thought I was supposed to start relaxing-ha! We are having fun and keeping busy. Hannah (now 14 months!) is doing a great job in the pool! Though she loves her baths, she was a bit afraid of the pool earlier in the season. She can't wait to get in now, though! She is kicking and moving her arms and grabbing the steps-I am so proud of her! I taught swim lessons in late high school/early college and love to work with the little ones. Of course, Justin and Rachel want to hang on or around me the whole time, but that is a blessing in and of itself. Justin had a GREAT day on Tuesday, a joy to be with. Today, we had more fighting, but not the whole day, so thank goodness for that!

I am reconsidering the wisdom of scheduling Justin's ENT appointment for 9 a.m.way across town, especially since the plan was to take the kids to Disney afterward, but I'll probably feel better about it in the morning. I definitely noticed a lag with myself when I didn't have a specific plan in place today. "Camp Director" is a tiring job, for sure!