Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The First Day of School

Well, here we are in Central Florida in the middle of Tropical Storm Fay. What I had deemed as as yet another non-event for our house, has at least turned into a decent rainstorm, so we will see what tomorrow will bring. God does have a sense of humor, it seems, as with all my worrying, the kids had a great first day of school, and then it was closed for today and tomorrow. Go figure! I guess you could also think of that as provision, in that it is less transition all at once.

Rachel had a hard time with dance class yesterday even though she usually loves it, but I think she was tired and was a bit fearful of the new teacher. She fell asleep early, so the day definitely wore her out. Justin said he recognized almost everyone in his class. I was really glad for that since last year was the first year, he had anyone from a previous class and it wasn't even from the year before. This year he has one student from last year's class, two or three from years past, and others he knows from specials and such. Hopefully, this will help with the transition!

The wedding was fun, even though I was grumpy at first. The usual clothing crisis ensued over Rachel's outfit, but all was well in the end. The kids enjoyed their cousins and there were plenty of people I knew there, so it was fun. AND...we found out that Justin's teacher was one of Aunt Alice's senior interns! She said she is really good, that she had recommended her for hire and would email her about Justin! God is really watching out for my kids-I love that!

I had another battle with Justin today. I hope it is a normal 8 year old attitude-so frustrating, though! I thought I would get to wait until the teen years for the mouthiness-ugh!!!

Anyway, that's about it for today. I am loving the PACMAN game to the right :>