Toddlers, especially, are physically exhausting. Kids need a lot of hands-on in the early years. What you don't realize when you're "in the trenches" of raising young children, though, is that it won't be long before the dynamic of your family changes. The fascination with even the simple things fades, as adolescents naturally start to get "bored" with the things that used to amuse them. Their interests change and their desire to be alone, engaging in technology, or with their friends increases. This is a good and natural part of the independence process. With it comes a whole new parental experience. It's amazing and it happens really quickly. The division of the last 7 years of school into middle and high school, the increase in independence and variety of activities seems to speed up those last years of "childhood". The equivalent amount of time that is spent from preschool-5th grade seems so much longer than the latter seven years. As embarrassing as we sometimes are to our teenagers and almost teen, they really do want us there, and they really do care. They still need us, and we need them.
Being on the "other end" of the growing up years, I can't say that I regret anything we did to invest in our kids and family. The vacations were sometimes expensive and maybe not the "best" choice financially. The sacrifices of time, money, energy, and even sleeping in our own bed have been totally worth it.
Your relationship with your children changes and takes on a whole new identity. The roots and oneness of the nuclear family are strong and will always be the foundation of the branches that spring forth and grow away while still staying connected. This is our ideal and it is interesting to experience. It directly mimics the relationship that God wants to have with each and every one of us. We are to be rooted, connected, drawing strength and energy from our foundation while branching out to draw others into the embrace of His love.
Proverbs 3:5-6
"Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, and lean NOT on your OWN understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and HE will make your path straight."